We are thrilled to welcome Andreia Gonçalves to the team, our very first PhD student!
Andreia is a Bioengineer from Amarante, and joins us as a PhD student from the INCDP 2022 cohort. Following her passion for neurophysiology and cancer neuroscience, Andreia did her Master's thesis in the lab of Ana Paula Pêgo, at I3S University of Porto, where she developed and characterized a 3D synthetic hydrogel that mimics the microenvironment of the neural stem cell niche. She then continued her journey at the Portuguese biotechnology start-up Biofabics, mastering 3D printing and dynamic culture techniques for bone and skin tissue engineering and regeneration, while packing a trio international experience (in Germany, Czech Republic and Austria) through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie early-stage researcher exchange program. Now Andreia reignites her curiosity for tumor-neuronal communication in the context of breast cancer dormancy and metastasis, and will focus her PhD on understanding the interplay between the nervous and immune systems in those processes.
Welcome Andreia - Keep your eyes on the road, and enjoy the company!
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